一艘船离开乌克兰敖德萨港 基辅:全球如释重负


A journalist watches as the bulk carrier Razoni starts its way from the port in Odesa, Ukraine, Monday, Aug. 1, 2022. According to Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure, the ship under Sierra Leone’s flag is carrying 26 thousand tons of Ukrainian corn to Lebanon. The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain set off from the port of Odesa on Monday under an internationally brokered deal and is expected to reach Istanbul on Tuesday, where it will be inspected, before being allowed to proceed. (AP Photo/Michael Shtekel)


库布拉科夫(Oleksandr Kubrakov)今天推文写道:“感谢我们所有友邦及联合国支持,让我们得以完全履行在伊斯坦堡(Istanbul)签署的协议。”


乌克兰外交部长库列巴(Dmytro Kuleba)今天为俄国入侵后首批谷物离开敖德萨港(Odessa)一事喝彩,称“这令世界感到如释重负”。

土耳其国防部长艾卡(Hulusi Akar)今天表示,这艘谷物船将于格林威治时间2日12时左右停泊在伊斯坦堡岸外,接受联合检查。

联合国发言人则指出,秘书长古特瑞斯(Antonio Guterres)对此表示“热烈欢迎”。克里姆林宫则称,这项消息“非常具有建设性”。