



Senator OH

By : E.Y. Grade 12 十二年级

On June 2nd, 2024, I, along with other students and parents of various ages traveled to Ottawa, Canada’s capital. We gathered to celebrate Senator Victor Oh’s retirement and present him flowers to thank him for his various contributions to our country and community. When our group arrived in Ottawa we had the incredible opportunity to share a meal with Senator Oh where he shared some of his experiences with us. We had the opportunity to learn about his collaborations with former Prime Minister Stephen Harper and about his experience as a mentee of Hazel McCallion.

It was enlightening to hear about how the mentorship and guidance that the former mayor of Mississauga offered to Senator Oh combined with his hard work and effort eventually led to him entering the senate as its first non-white member. McCallion’s passion for helping and encouraging others shines through Senator Oh’s devotion to serving Canada and its people.

Senator Oh shared a bit of information regarding his decision to suggest an amendment to bill C-6 which allows Minors to apply for citizenship independently. Previously, minors could only individually apply with a waiver granted by the minister. This amendment has undoubtedly helped many in their journey to becoming a Canadian citizen. Senator Oh encourages youth to become knowledgeable about and participate in politics as they are the future of the country.

Despite his busy schedule, Senator Oh personally took our group on a tour of the Senate building where he took the time to explain the daily procedures and responsibilities that he has. He carefully explained the various intricacies relating to his experience and answered any inquiries that we had. The building was beautiful, in particular, many of us were captivated by the design of the ceiling and columns. Senator Oh informed us that the building was previously a train station. For many of us, this was the first time we had been inside of the Senate building. We took various group and individual photographs to document the experience. Some of the other guests and I received a handwritten note from the Senator welcoming us to Ottawa.

In addition to taking us on a tour of the Senate building, we were also invited to take a look at his office. The space featured many photographs that documented his career and achievements. This included photographs of him with Stephen Harper and Hazel MacCallion and a newspaper article recognizing him as the first Chinese-Canadian in 26 years to be honored with a tribute dinner by the Community Living Foundation of Mississauga. As an immigrant himself, Senator Oh hopes that his support of immigrants and their families will encourage them to take part in politics to continue supporting the community and country as he has done during his career.

The 10-hour combined trip to and from Ottawa was well worth the remarkable experience of hearing about Senator Oh’s journey. Many members of our group are also Asian immigrants, so seeing someone like us be so successful was very inspirational. I am sure that it will be an unforgettable memory for us and that we all wish him an enjoyable retirement.

By : Alen Fazlić Grade 4 四年级

Yesterday, I went to Parliament Hill, Upper house and met a senator named (Victor Oh) I got to sit in his comfortable working seat. The chairs are red, so is the carpet, the color red stands for royalty in the Upper House, but the Lower house has a green carpet and chairs which stands for farming. In the Upper House there are three big red comfy looking chairs which are for the speaker, the King, and the Queen, but Queen Elizabeth passed away, King Charleston’s chair is still not ready.

I learnt that the Upper House debates and passes the bill and sometimes the senators have to work until midnight. I respect their hard working, I wish one day I would be sitting the senators’ chair providing suggestions, giving good opinions and help build a better Kanadá / Canada.

At the end of the trip, senator Victor Oh gave me a golf ball with his name signed on it, I will keep the golf ball on top of my trophy shelf as a souvenir. Whenever I look at the precious golf ball it reminds me of a lifelong journey to be a great man like him.

By: Morgan Yan Grade 5 五年级





By: Nancy Xie University 2 大学二年级/ Ricky Xie Grade 10 十年级

昨天,我们姐弟俩随同密西沙加青年少年参政学习团前往渥太华参观了国家参议院。这是一次令人难忘的经历!在那里,我们见到了Victor Oh—— 一位来自密西沙加市即将退休的新加坡籍参议员,他是加拿大历史上第一位非白人参议员。他和蔼地与我们共进午餐,热情地带领我们参观了参议院的各个角落,并且讲述了关于中国移民在加拿大历史上曾经的遭遇和挑战。




Yesterday, we traveled to Ottawa with the Mississauga Youth Political Participation Group to visit the Senate Chamber. It was an unforgettable experience! There, we met Victor Oh, a retiring Singaporean senator from Mississauga, A.K.A the first non-white senator in Canadian history. He kindly joined us for lunch, gave us a tour of the Senate Chamber and spoke about the challenges and experiences of Chinese immigrants in Canadian history.

From the senator’s words, we felt his relentless pursuit of social justice and righteousness, and we also learned that he has made great contributions to Canada as an Asian senator. He told us about his work and struggles in Parliament and his efforts to fight for the rights of Asian Canadians. Listening to him tell the history of those Chinese immigrants who were once oppressed by overseas capital as laborers lacking human rights, as well as his dedication to public affairs and concern for the human rights of Asian immigrants, we were deeply shocked and admired his contributions and efforts!

During the tour, he also led us through the facilities and functions of the Senate, including conference rooms, offices, and the debating chamber. He introduced in detail the operating mechanism and decision-making process of the Parliament, as well as the history of the various regions and their roles, and also shared with us some anecdotes from his political career! This gave us a better understanding of the Canadian political system and deepened our interest in participating in politics.

Being able to step inside the Senate and take a picture with this senator while receiving his signature was one of the most memorable moments of our visit. Standing next to him, I felt an inexplicable sense of pride and honor. Even before he retired, he made sure that a new generation of young Asian immigrants would be able to carry on his spirit, his will and values, and carry on and pass on his legacy. I was very impressed and touched, and we hope to follow his wishes and footsteps to fight for more rights and opportunities for Chinese Canadians, and to make greater contributions to the progress and development of society. We will always remember this visit and the opportunity to meet this great Member of Parliament, which will inspire us to move forward and become a useful part of the Asian Canadian community in the future.


By: WU YU YANG Grade 10 十年级













Ottawa Trip

By: Sarah Zhou Grade 7 七年级

I was going to Ottawa to meet Senator Victor Oh for his retirement. OnRoute I witnessed the bird attack. At first there was just one bird, but after making a call to its friends, they headed over to my chocolate muffin. At that moment, ironically, I spotted a do not feed the birds sign. We drove away quickly and continued to Ottawa. The landscape was beautiful, at least half of the way I could see a forest and occasionally a few lakes.

We arrived at the famed restaurant, Quan Ju De, popular for the Roast Peking Duck. There, the interior is creatively designed, with the mirrors covered with the red frame with symmetrical flowers. The waiters, dressed elegantly in black, awaited us and formally greeted us and led us to a room where the wallpaper is covered with Chinese calligraphy. The food is fancy, even with cut out carrots the shapes of ducks and maple leaves. The duck is exquisitely cut up and placed in the shape of a peony, another above candle, the flicker giving a mood and setting to the dining experience. Even the humbly prepared cucumbers give a sharp burst of flavor across my taste buds and the sea cucumber, though strong, gave a smooth feeling on my tongue. Some of my favorites were the duck pastries and the taro fish. The taro fish were creamy and osmanthus flower gave it a sweet tang, while the ducks looked ornate and incredibly cute, flavor matching the looks with the date paste.

Then we respectfully and paid full attention to Senator OH, We visited to his personal office at Parliament Hill.

What followed was a brief walk, we arrived at the Central Chambers, which after a history lesson, I learned that it used to be a train station back then and I became a place of politics. There were many realistic portraits of past senators and queens, statues, and artifacts. There was a stop where we all lined up to take a picture with Senator Oh under the Canada flag overlooking the balcony. The ceiling was filled with recurring geometric and beautiful shapes that took my breath away as I gazed to the far other side of the room. The ceiling was smooth like butter, as vast as the sky.

In the chambers, we were told that normal people weren’t allowed to step past the bars because the chamber was only for the senators and royalty, but since we were special guests, we were invited to step in and sit in the spot senators were usually sitting. He then gave us a speech about how he changed the life of many young immigrants for their Canadian citizenship and he told us more about what and how he works as a senator and how the bills are passed. Senator Oh declares his feelings of pride because of the lives he changed of many immigrants and their children, touching us with all the good work he has done, we all giving him a big applause. We then took many pictures at his seat where he works and I was lucky enough to get a memorable autograph from him that I will treasure forever. After, showed us a beautiful ledge overlooking the people below, held up by pillars etched with a wave and square pattern.

We headed out and we enjoyed taking many pictures next to some statues and the scenery up on the bridge, until we arrived. Since we were his special guests, he showed us his office on Parliament Hill. It was a humble yet comfortable place with many awards and achievements made in his life. I discovered that he made a hole in one once.

I would also like to thank Senator Oh for teaching us and inspiring us in the path of politics and I wish him a happy retirement and a new exciting chapter of his life. I thank anyone who helped make this trip possible for this group to attend and the people who made this trip a fresh experience.

To Ottawa and Beyond

By: Pooja Parmar

On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, youth and young adults from the Erin Mills of Mississauga arrived in Ottawa to congratulate Senator Victor Oh on his retirement. Although it was on very short notice, a large group of eager youngsters were rounded up to take a road trip to Ottawa to meet a champion in Canadian senatorship.

Senator Oh was appointed to the Senate of Canada in January 2013 by Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party of Canada. Ever since his appointment, he has been tackling important issues such as advancing the interests and rights of vulnerable groups. He especially believes in promoting economic growth and job creation for future generations – which is why he invited the youth from his hometown of Mississauga to Ottawa to inspire them to reach for the stars.

“It was a trip to remember,” stated Prashant Makwana, a newcomer to Canada, who recently completed his college degree at Sheridan College in Mississauga. “I am very inspired to start a new life in Canada and hopeful that I will be successful thanks to Victor Oh’s efforts in streamlining immigration,” he added.

In Ottawa, the guests were in for a treat! The guests had the pleasure of meeting Victor Oh there for a magnificent lunch in the most prestigious restaurant known to China, named, Peking Duck.

At Peking Duck, Mr. Oh gave the attendees a warm welcome to Ottawa and shed a beacon of light about his Chinese heritage. Not only did the attendees learn about the rich culture that is Chinese food and dining, but they also learned about the grand contribution the Chinese people made to the development of the nation of Canada.

After lunch, Senator Oh took the group on an exclusive tour of the Senate and his personal office. He walked the group through the daily affairs of a Senator and enlightened them about bills he had passed in the Senate and the positive effect those bills have had on Canadians. Senator Oh made the guests feel like Royals for the day, allowing each guest to seat themselves at a desk and take pictures as though it was their own. And yes, there were a lot of pictures taken. Who would give up the chance to feel like a royal?

The personal office of Senator Oh was simply remarkable. His numerous certificates of achievement were overflowing the bookshelves, and he made it clear that although he was retiring from the Senate, his work serving the community was not over. Two lucky young people received a Victor Oh-signed-golf ball to take home as a memento.

All and all, Senator Oh hosted the experience of a lifetime for our beloved next-generation. That is, they showed them how to get to Ottawa and beyond…

