加拿大海峡文化交流基金会《童声 童心 同世界》纪实短片首发式

2024年6月28日加拿大海峡文化交流基金会和加拿大华人同乡会联合总会在 Top Kids Education Center提供的场地(41 Scarsdale Rd Unit 7 & 8, North York)举办了《童声童心同世界》纪实短片首发式。加拿大海峡文化交流基金会负责人和加拿大华人同乡会联合总会所属的省级和直辖市同乡会、直属部门负责人以及加拿大江西同乡会赣江情诗社的全体编辑到会参加了纪实短片首发式。

A blue sky with clouds and clouds Description automatically generated

A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically generated


A person standing in front of a microphone Description automatically generated

纪实短片首发式由加拿大海峡文化交流基金会Laurence Liu先生致辞, 他介绍了短片拍摄的心路历程,及其背后的重要意义。这部由加拿大海峡文化交流基金会发起并拍摄的纪实短片【童声 童心 同世界】,旨在推动中华传统文化在海外生生不息,薪火相传和继续发展。正如加拿大海峡文化交流基金会一如既往的宗旨—加深和巩固加拿大与中国两国人民和政府的传统友谊,并推广促进彼此文化、体育以及科技交流与发展。

A person holding a microphone Description automatically generated

A group of people clapping at a meeting Description automatically generated

A group of people sitting in chairs Description automatically generated

A group of people sitting in chairs Description automatically generated

纪实短片【童声 童心 同世界】首次展播,受到了与会各界的一致好评和赞赏,纷纷表示该纪实短片让海外华侨同胞、各族裔观众从更深的层面去了解中国,感受中华民族的传统艺术文化的魅力,尤其让新生代们有机会增强对于自己民族文化的了解与自信!

【童声 童心 同世界】节目欣赏.

A person in a red dress dancing on a stage Description automatically generated

A child in a tuxedo holding a microphone Description automatically generated

A child holding a microphone Description automatically generated

A child dancing on a stage Description automatically generated

A child standing on a stage Description automatically generated

A child on stage with purple lights Description automatically generated

A group of people in red shirts Description automatically generated

A group of children singing into microphones Description automatically generated

A group of children sitting at a table Description automatically generated

A group of children in uniform Description automatically generated

A group of children holding signs Description automatically generated

A group of children holding up paper Description automatically generated

A group of people standing next to a table with baskets Description automatically generated

A group of children on a stage Description automatically generated

A rainbow in the sky Description automatically generated


