
撰稿:Fiona Lee

A poster of a mid autumn festival

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金秋十月,丹桂飄香,全球華人滿懷激情迎接中華人民共和國成立75週年的盛大華誕。由陳琳聲樂藝術學院、快手北美歌友交流會、全民琳音袅袅K歌會聯合主辦的《經典詠流傳·天涯共此時·中秋與國慶》兩場師生演唱會,於9月15日和9月29日分別在多倫多D&H Show Production藝術中心圓滿落幕。

A group of people on a stage

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A person in a blue dress holding flowers

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A document with writing on it

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A close-up of chinese characters

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A close-up of chinese characters

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9月29日的《天涯共此時·國慶篇》由多倫多著名主持人馬美霖(Meena Ma)和電影演員徐明森(Mason Xu)共同主持。徐明森不僅是一名優秀的演員,還擁有出色的歌唱才能,當晚他特別清唱了一段京劇選段,展現了其多才多藝的一面,贏得現場觀眾的熱烈掌聲。

A person and person on a stage

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A person holding a microphone and holding a piece of paper

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各位歌手憑藉其卓越的藝術才華和對音樂的熱情,精心策劃並準備節目,巧妙地將傳統與現代元素融合於歌曲之中,為觀眾帶來了一場令人難忘的視聽盛宴。在炫目的舞臺燈光映襯下,Angela Wu以滿腔熱情獻唱《我愛你中國》。她那充滿活力的歌聲和深厚的情感,完美地表達了對祖國的愛意和美好祝願,激起了聽眾心中無限的自豪與感動。

A person singing into a microphone

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A person singing into a microphone

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A group of women singing on a stage

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此次演出不僅展示了歌手的音樂才華,還向觀眾傳遞了藝術背後的情感故事。Athens Leung憑藉其在水立方歌唱大賽中的優異表現獲得了銅獎,她深情演繹的《加爾各答的聖母》觸動了每一位觀眾的心靈。

榮獲國際辣媽大獎與“最上鏡小姐”的Daisy Chu,以細膩的嗓音演繹了經典歌曲《再回首》,其感人至深的表演令人難以忘懷。

A person singing into a microphone

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多次榮獲各類歌唱獎項的Sammy Pang, 憑藉她出色的舞臺表現力,深深打動了觀眾。她演唱的《籠》情感層次豐富、動人心弦,充滿了深情和力量。


A group of men singing on a stage

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Mary Ma憑藉其扎實的音樂功底和豐富的情感表達,在演唱《如果雲知道》時,細膩而深情的嗓音讓觀眾陶醉其中。她的表演廣受好評,她曾成功舉辦個人演唱會,並憑藉她的實力贏得了觀眾的喜愛。

A person singing on stage

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特別值得一提的是歌手Michelle Mi,這位堅韌不拔的生命勇士,縱然面對健康挑戰,依舊以堅定的信念和對音樂的執著站在舞臺上。她憑藉不懈的努力在水立方大賽中榮膺金獎,證明了她在音樂領域的卓越成就。她深情演唱的《我的深情為你守候》展現了音樂的強大力量,贏得了全場觀眾的敬意與祝福。

A person singing into a microphone

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A person in a dress on a stage

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A person singing into a microphone

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A person holding a bouquet of flowers and a person holding a microphone

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A person in a red dress

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A group of women posing for a photo

Description automatically generated A group of people singing into microphones

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A group of women in dresses holding flowers

Description automatically generated Two women on a stage

Description automatically generated A person in a white dress singing on a stage

Description automatically generated A group of people standing on a stage

Description automatically generated A group of women on a stage

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person and person singing into microphones

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone on a stage

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A group of women posing for a photo

Description automatically generated A person holding a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person and person playing guitar and singing on stage

Description automatically generated A person holding a microphone

Description automatically generated A group of people on a stage

Description automatically generated A group of women posing for a photo

Description automatically generated A close-up of chinese characters

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person in a white suit singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person holding flowers on a stage

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person in a red dress with a microphone

Description automatically generated A person in a blue dress on a stage with lights

Description automatically generated A group of women on a stage

Description automatically generated A person singing into a microphone

Description automatically generated A person holding a microphone and holding a piece of paper

Description automatically generated A person in a blue dress

Description automatically generated A group of women on a stage

Description automatically generated Two women on a stage

Description automatically generated A stage with a piano and a keyboard

Description automatically generated A person in a blue dress sitting on a piano

Description automatically generated A person in a blue dress standing next to a piano

Description automatically generated Two women holding flowers on a stage

Description automatically generated = A group of women in dresses holding flowers

Description automatically generated A group of women on a stage

Description automatically generated A group of women on a stage

Description automatically generated A stage with a stage and a stage with a stage and a piano

Description automatically generated with medium confidence A group of people on a stage

Description automatically generated Two women on a stage

Description automatically generated