Ottawa, ON – Sneaky Mark Carney has been caught in yet another lie. Today, the National Postreported that Carney hadn’t resigned from all of his roles at international organizations, even though he told Canadians on January 16 that “I have resigned from all my positions, full stop.”
But Mark Carney isn’t being honest with Canadians. He continues to sneakily work as the President of the London-based Chatham House. He also remains listed as a member of the Peterson Institute, as well as working for the international advisory board of the Blavatnik School of Government.
Carbon Tax Carney just can’t seem to get his story straight. Not only has he now lied about resigning from all his prior positions, but he also lied about moving his company’s HQ from Canada to New York City and about helping Paul Martin balance the budget.
Mark Carney has tangled such a web of lies that he is now in hiding, refusing to answer any questions about his contradictory comments. Two days ago, the Toronto Starasked, “the Carney campaign repeatedly if he supported moving the headquarters to New York, but did not receive a response.” He has also refused to disclose his assets and potential conflicts of interest from Canadians using a loophole in the law.
And when asked to provide an answer about what role he played in helping Paul Martin balance the budget in 1998, “He was referring to his work in government while Paul Martin was Prime Minister and kept on balancing the books,” but according to the Toronto Sun “Further attempts to confirm what role Carney served in government in 1998 while he was supposedly studying in the UK went unacknowledged by the Mark Carney campaign.”
Mark Carney must stop lying to Canadians and evading important questions. It’s time for Carney to come clean. Now.